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Simple perspective in interior studies

For this exercise I decided to do a view of my kitchen seen from the dining table which has many simple angles, and I was able to sit, draw and paint comfortably. My vanishing point was the handle on the left window, with the open sliding doors as my outer limits,

I used A3 acrylic paper in portrait format and began with an outline in pencil using a ruler to get the perspective right. I then coated the paper with Plextol 498 because I needed something transparent over my drawing, and if I had coated it first it would not have taken the pencil marks. For the painting I used WM Oil, and my choice of palette was Raw Umber, Yellow Ochre, Titanium White, Ivory Black and Raw Sienna, with a little Alizarin Crimson and Sap Green for the objects. I also used thinner as a medium and 0, 2 and 6 filbert brushes

My final piece was -

Although in real life my kitchen is a little wider, I think my perspectives are accurate and the proportions look about right. I was trying to give a more organic feeling to the work and restrained myself from using the ruler too much, and as a result some of the lines and edges are not completely straight, especially the window blinds which are a bit tilted to the right.

The light kept changing as I progressed and I got a little overwhelmed when trying to depict the reflections of the light through the blinds onto the upper cupboard doors, which I think look a bit random. I am however fairly satisfied with that I captured the essence of the view, even though the light and shadow on the cupboards and the rugs needs a bit more work - I will keep practising.

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